Consider approving Resolution No. 2014-078 authorizing execution of a Residential Demolition/Rebuild Program Incentive Agreement for the owner of property located at 14302 Juniper Cove and take appropriate action.
The City Council recently enhanced the Residential Demolition/Rebuild Program by establishing two incentive options: (1) To provide up to $5,000 for the cost of the demolition and a seven year municipal tax rebate; or (2) To provide a municipal tax rebate up to ten years with the option of advancing 50% of the estimated municipal tax increase upon receipt of permanent financing.
This agenda item supports Core Value No. 3 to provide for strong, thriving commercial and residential neighborhoods through planning, land use, development, code enforcement, revitalization activities and programs.
Todd Warren is applying for the Residential Demolition/Rebuild Program option providing for a municipal tax rebate up to 10 years with the option of advancing 50% of the estimated municipal tax increase upon receipt of permanent financing.
The current improvement value is approximately $33,930 and the estimated value of the new dwelling will be $326,179.
Recommended motion by City Administration to approve Resolution No. 2014-078 authorizing execution of a Residential Demolition/Rebuild Program Incentive Agreement for the owner of property located at 14302 Juniper Cove.
1. Summary Memorandum
2. Demo Rebuild Application
3. Elevation
4. Floor Plan-First Floor
5. Floor Plan-Second Floor
6. Site
7. Location Map
8. Resolution No. 2014-078