Consider adopting Ordinance No. 3507 amending the City of Farmers Branch Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, Division 2, Section 82-34 amending the speed limits on IH635 and IH35E main lanes, service roads and express lanes; and take appropriate action.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has completed its highway improvements within the city limits of Farmers Branch. TxDOT has conducted new speed studies and has determined that the speeds along Interstate Highway 635 and Interstate Highway 35E main lanes, service roads and express lanes be increased as follows:
Main lanes - 70 mph
Express lanes - 75 mph
Service road - 45 mph
TxDOT has installed new signs controlling such speeds.
This Ordinance, if adopted, would amend the speed limits within the city limits of Farmers Branch to the prima facie maximum speed limits for those portions of Interstate Highway 635 and Interstate Highway 35E set by TxDOT. The prima facia maximum speed limits of said portions of Interstate Highway 635 and Interstate Highway 35E main lanes, service roads, and express lanes are to be consistent with the maximum speed limits established by the Commission and such speed limits to be reasonable and safe.
City Administration and the Police Department recommend the adoption of Ordinance No. 3507 amending the City of Farmers Branch Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, Division 2, Section 82-34 amending the speed limits on IH635 and IH35E main lanes, service roads and express lanes.
1. I move to adopt Ordinance No. 3507 amending the City of Farmers Branch Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, Division 2, Section 82-34 amending the speed limits on IH635 and IH35E main lanes, service roads and express lanes.
2. I move to adopt Ordinance No. 3507 amending the City of Farmers Branch Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, Division 2, Section 82-34 amending the speed limits on IH635 and IH35E main lanes, service roads and express lanes, with modifications.
3. I move to table the issue for further study or take no action.
1. Ordinance No. 3507